Stats for European Weather Network |
European Weather Network brings together data from over 1500 Personal Weatherstations (PWS), Roadstations and Synop/Metarstations from all the European countries. Depend on station may data-age vary, the main updaterates are: PWS-stations every 2-10 minutes, roadstations every 30 minutes and Synop/Metarstations every 3 hours, at nighttime may it be longer pauses. Warnings are updated once a hour. Toplists includes data only from PWS-stations. For live updates please visit PWS-stations own websites. The interactive map You can choose what stations are shown on the map by clicking on the settings-buttons in top right corner. From same menu you can choose to show the warnings. Click on a station to display detailed information about the station and a fresh 48 hours The forecastlocation are closest available forecast to the station's site based on the coordinates. Please take a moment to visit other stations on the network by clicking on the link in the infobox on the left side of the map or by clicking on the names in the current conditions-table below (PWS only). |
Warmest/Coldest |
PWS | ° | ° | m/s | |
Synop/Metar | ° | ° | m/s | |
Roadwx | ° | ° | m/s | |
Current averages (°C) |
Online: PWS: , Synop/Metar: 0, Roadwx: , Webcams: , Stormtrackers: |